This We Believe: Exploring the Essential Texts of the Christian Faith
This We Believe explains the essentials of the Christian faith and its impact on our lives. Each season will use key texts as springboards for exploring the core tenets of Christianity, beginning with the Apostles' Creed and continuing with texts such as the 10 Commandments and the Our Father. While each season will progress through these documents, each episode will be centered around a specific topic, such as the Cross, or the Holy Spirit, or a specific question, such as What happens when I die? or Why is there suffering the world? The goal is to provide an insightful and exciting theological education whether you have been following Christ for 8 days or 8 decades.
Podcasting since 2020 • 51 episodes
This We Believe: Exploring the Essential Texts of the Christian Faith
Latest Episodes
Anger and Reconciliation
What are the ways that anger manifests itself in the human heart, and what can we do to control it? Why is it important to deal with conflict before we come to the altar at church, and before we resort to the legal system? This episode continue...
Season 4
Episode 16
Jesus Fulfills the Moral Law
What are the moral laws in the Old Testament, and how do we discern which laws are moral and which are not? How can such laws teach us about the love of God?This episode continues our three episode series on Matthew 5: 17-20 in the Sermon o...
Season 4
Episode 15
Jesus Fulfills the Ceremonial Law
What does it mean to follow the Old Testament laws that pertain to temples and animal sacrifices, if we do not have these things today? What do these laws tell us about how Christians today ought to approach worship?This episode continues o...
Season 4
Episode 14
Jesus Fulfills the Civil Law
What does it mean for Jesus to fulfill the law? Does this mean we no longer have to follow the Old Testament laws? How can we tell which laws we still have to follow and which ones we don’t?This episode begins a three episode series on Matt...
Season 4
Episode 13